
Thursday 23 February 2012

It's sad when people you once knew so well turn into strangers and start to become all the things they said they'd never be. People can become blind and oblivious to the situation around them, it's almost like their common sense fails them and they only see what they want to see - rather than what's actually there, right in front of their very eyes. Promises are easily broken and friendships will never be set in concrete - that much has always been obvious, but even though we all know these facts when people actually do walk away or change beyond our recognition it's hard not to be slightly surprised. These things have a tendency to creep up on us somehow. It's happened to everybody at some point though, the time when a friend turns into a stranger. Before you'd perhaps talk for hours and then suddenly, in what seems like a brief moment - they are just another person who could quite easily walk straight past you in the street and you wouldn't even make eye contact. There isn't always a reason for friendships and relationships ending and falling apart, sometimes it's nobodies fault - it just happens. But it does remind us of the harsh reality - that everything inevitably changes.


Song: Let's Stay Here by Greg Holden

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs