Goodbye 2012

Monday 31 December 2012

So it's nearly the end of 2012 now and the cringey "new year, new me" statuses and tweets have already started to appear but I thought I'd follow my tradition and do an overview of the past year. I'd be lying if I said 2012 was the best year but it hasn't been half bad either, like most years it's had ups and downs (oh the cliches). One thing I can say however, is that this year has seemed to fly past so quickly and it's strange to think that this time next year I'll hopefully be at University. Although AS levels were hard work and A2's are even more work, sixthform has definitely been one of my favourite years of school and I reckon it will be worth it in the end. I've spoken to new people this year, gotten closer to some of my friends, drifted apart from others - but that's just how it is sometimes. Twenty twelve also brought the Olympics and Paralympics during the summer and personally I was hooked, when it was on I watched more sport on television than ever before I think haha! I also got the chance to go and watch some of the Paralympic athletics which was amazing and something I won't forget. This year I also got to see Coldplay live, oh so good, especially as it was a surprise. There's definitely been a lot of memorable moments and they make up for the not so good ones.

For the past couple of years now I've used an app to put together a selection of photos from the past year because I think it makes you remember some of the good times you may have forgotten about. It also reminds me just how lucky I am to have the friends I do...
(See below)

At the beginning of the year I wrote a list of a few things I wanted to do and I managed to do quite a few of them and I'm close to completing the others. Some that I did include: Keeping in contact with friends, seeing the Hunger Games movie, doing more charity work and trying to make my blog a bit better. Another one was 'learn how to drive' and although I haven't passed my actual test yet I've done my theory and I'm not far off booking my driving test, eeep - so I'm happy with that. 'Do well at my AS exams' and 'Decide what I want to do at Uni' where another couple which I've pretty much done. I wasn't one hundred perecent happy with my results from AS but I'm resitting a Biology module so I'm hoping that will push my grade up a bit. As for deciding what to do at Uni I definitely completed that, it was weird how I choose in the end because originally I was set on English single honours. However, as you can tell from my blog posts I'm quite into philosophical things and I eventually decided in the end and applied for English Literature and Philosophy joint honours. So far I have 4 out 5 offers - so it's all good and I'm just waiting on Nottingham with low expectations... Less than 20 places for my course there doesn't sound very promising, but we'll see. One thing that I definitely didn't complete was the 50 book challenge, I always start off well and then fail after a couple of months, I think I may save this one for when I start Uni? Haha.

Anyway, because this is becoming a very long dragged out post I hope you all have a great new year! It may not be a 'new start' or a 'new beginning' but regardless it's a chance to look back on the past year and then focus on the new one.

Happy New Year.

Best wishes,


Also, thank you for everybody who has read my blog posts this year, I appreciate it!

Song: I'm Walking On Sunshine (Cover) by Greg Holden


Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs