Every now and then I find myself thinking back to old friendships. Recently, when tidying my room, I decided to look through some old photos and the leavers messages people wrote for me on the last day of middle school - which is coming up to being five years ago now (something like that). I realised just how many of those people I don't speak to anymore. What hit me was the fact that I hadn't had arguments with these people or moved miles away from them. We had just drifted apart over time. When the messages were written we really had believed we'd be friends for the foreseeable future, I suppose we didn't account for things that would get in the way; whether it be time or other commitments. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss some of these people, but in reality I know I just miss the old version of them, the people I knew however many years ago - not necessarily the people they've become now.
Of course, I didn't lose contact with all of my old friends. I've maintained friendships with people that have gone to different schools to me and we still have things to talk about. So I'm not saying that you always drift apart from people you don't see regularly because, for me at least, that isn't true. I just think it's strange and kind of sad when people you thought were good friends become strangers. However, I do think this is why I try and keep up regular contact with all of my friends as I know how easy it is for friendships to just 'die' without you even realising at the time. I hope that in the future, when my current friends and I are scattered all over the country at different Universities/Colleges, that we will remain friends despite the difficulties.
But yes. I was reminded that things don't always plan out as you expected and that sometimes people do just go their separate ways. On a brighter note though I was also reminded of how many awesome people I've had the chance to know...
Song: If Only You Knew by Shinedown
Monday, 25 March 2013
"Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable."
- C.S Lewis
Song: Lost! by Coldplay
- C.S Lewis
Song: Lost! by Coldplay
Things | March
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Thought I'd share some of the things I've been loving the past couple of months and decided the easiest way was through pictures...

1) 'Bad Blood' by Bastille - Love this album and all the songs on it, particularly 'Flaws' and 'Oblivion' go and listen to them if you haven't already!
2) 'Night Visions' by Imagine Dragons - Another album that I keep listening too and only recently discovered - well a few weeks ago. I recommend 'Demons' and 'It's Time' but I love all of the songs on this album, definitely worth a listen.
3) Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler - After waiting for this book to come back in stock on Amazon for weeks I finally got my copy this week, the illustrations in this are just lovely and the writing is great too; I'm already half way through.
4) Jane Eyre DVD (2011) - I went to see this film with some of my friends from my English Lit class when it was released, but my friend Nadine got me it for my birthday and I've already watched it again. It's such a pretty film and easy to understand for any of you that find old language daunting.
5) Urban Decay Naked Pallette - I use this pretty much everyday, usually Sin and Sidecar blended together.
6) Sainsbury's Taste the Difference triple chocolate cookies - These are amazing and are only one pound for four, what's not to love about that?
7) Primark Super Cosy Tights in black - So glad I have some of these, especially as it's been freezing here recently. They are the warmest, comfiest tights I've ever owned and they aren't expensive either.
Song: Everything by Ben Howard
1) 'Bad Blood' by Bastille - Love this album and all the songs on it, particularly 'Flaws' and 'Oblivion' go and listen to them if you haven't already!
2) 'Night Visions' by Imagine Dragons - Another album that I keep listening too and only recently discovered - well a few weeks ago. I recommend 'Demons' and 'It's Time' but I love all of the songs on this album, definitely worth a listen.
3) Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler - After waiting for this book to come back in stock on Amazon for weeks I finally got my copy this week, the illustrations in this are just lovely and the writing is great too; I'm already half way through.
4) Jane Eyre DVD (2011) - I went to see this film with some of my friends from my English Lit class when it was released, but my friend Nadine got me it for my birthday and I've already watched it again. It's such a pretty film and easy to understand for any of you that find old language daunting.
5) Urban Decay Naked Pallette - I use this pretty much everyday, usually Sin and Sidecar blended together.
6) Sainsbury's Taste the Difference triple chocolate cookies - These are amazing and are only one pound for four, what's not to love about that?
7) Primark Super Cosy Tights in black - So glad I have some of these, especially as it's been freezing here recently. They are the warmest, comfiest tights I've ever owned and they aren't expensive either.
Song: Everything by Ben Howard
Self Image
Sunday, 3 March 2013
"One's conception of oneself"
Laura Skelton, eighteen years old, five foot five inches (roughly).
I'm a sixth form student studying a slighty weird combination of subjects because I wanted to keep my options open and decided to do things that I enjoy. I like reading books, learning new things and I'm a blogger. I have blonde hair, but that doesn't define me really.
I'm a friend to many people, a best friend to others, a family member and a twin sister.

I am an overthinker, I think too much about insignificant things that will probably never happen or don't matter. I care a lot and although that means I can be easily hurt sometimes, I'm willing to take that risk. I can be cautious but I'm also ambitious. I am a listener and value other people's opinions. I want to help people or do something that will have an impact beyond my lifetime alone. I'm not sure where I'll end up, or how I'll get there but whatever route I take - I'm sure it will be the right one.
This is me and this is twenty thirteen...
This was in response to this: Rosianna
and this: Ophelia Dagger
Song: In the End by Black Veil Brides
Laura Skelton, eighteen years old, five foot five inches (roughly).
I'm a sixth form student studying a slighty weird combination of subjects because I wanted to keep my options open and decided to do things that I enjoy. I like reading books, learning new things and I'm a blogger. I have blonde hair, but that doesn't define me really.
I can be incredibly shy when I first meet people and I worry that they simply won't notice me because of it. I'm creative when I want to be, I like drawing and painting - even if I'm not that good. I'm a lover of music and it's ability to change my mood. I'm a keeper of several scrapbooks, magazines and quotations. My physical appearance doesn't bother me too much, I'm not stunningly beautiful, but that's okay. People are more than just an outer shell, what I look like is only one aspect of who I am. I just hope other people can look past the outside too.
I'm a friend to many people, a best friend to others, a family member and a twin sister.
I am an overthinker, I think too much about insignificant things that will probably never happen or don't matter. I care a lot and although that means I can be easily hurt sometimes, I'm willing to take that risk. I can be cautious but I'm also ambitious. I am a listener and value other people's opinions. I want to help people or do something that will have an impact beyond my lifetime alone. I'm not sure where I'll end up, or how I'll get there but whatever route I take - I'm sure it will be the right one.
This is me and this is twenty thirteen...
This was in response to this: Rosianna
and this: Ophelia Dagger
Song: In the End by Black Veil Brides
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