Aims of 2016

Sunday 31 January 2016

Each year I compile a list of things I want to do/achieve/complete in the year ahead - rather than just having one resolution; so although it's a little late, I have a new list of aims for 2016.

But firstly, lets see how many of last year's I completed:
I didn't manage to complete a couple of them, these included driving on the motorway (I still haven't got a car) and posting at least twice a month on my blog (university has been hectic this year). However I did manage to do most of the others - this year I made a conscious effort to try and be more confident, be a little less cautious and not let opportunities pass me by but I'll probably continue some of these forward to work on them further this year too. Academically, I managed to get a 1st for my second year of university, so I achieved my aim of getting at least a 2.1. As many of you know if you follow me on any form of social media, I (amazingly) managed to complete my aim to 'get work experience at a publishing company' in 2015 too! There were a couple of other general ones about staying in touch with friends/family which I think I've been quite good at, despite the difficulties of time/work/etc sometimes.

So, my aims for 2016:

- Get at least a 2.1 in my degree overall
- Finish my dissertation EARLY and be happy with it
- Drive again after uni (and drive on the motorway if possible)
- Travel to at least two places I've never been before
- Stay in contact with friends from home & friends from university after graduation
- Get a job and/or more work experience
- Continue to be more confident, take up any good opportunities and be less cautious
- Post at least ONCE a month on my blog even if it's only a short one
- Take more photos
- Start swimming again

I may add to this as the year progresses if I think of anything else.
Good luck to anyone who has set themselves aims or resolutions for this year, I hope you achieve them!


Song: Can't Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs