First thoughts

Tuesday 9 April 2013

As most of you probably know, I'm a twin. Since my sister and I were very young we've been part of a twin's study called TEDS which looks at the effect of the environment, upbringing and various other things on people's development. Every now and then some of the researchers do a home visit which includes different things including physical measurements, memory activities and filling out questionnaires. As we recently turned eighteen we had one of these visits. One of the sections this time was about patterns according to shapes and colours. You had to pick from about 6 possible options which one would come next in the pattern sequence. The first ones are always easy but they get progressively harder. Inevitably I ended up making educated guesses nearer the end but it turned out I only got one wrong out of about 30 or something even though a good percentage had been guesses. It's weird how sometimes your first thoughts are just right even if you don't necessarily have much evidence to back them up.

Later my friend Andy came over to do some revision and we did a Biology past exam paper. Basically to cut a long story short, when we came back to marking it two hours later we found that the obvious 'first thought' concepts that we hadn't written down due to thinking they were too basic - actually would have gained us much needed marks. On refection we should have just gone with what we thought. Lastly, this point is kind of generalised but it is your first impressions of people. I've never thought I'm amazing at reading people and I definitely think that people are often more than the first impression they give out, however, I find that based on past experiences, I can usually tell what a person is like after a short time of talking to them. I think it's important to stick to your instincts when it comes to people, especially when it's a negative impression they give you.

After today I've come to the conclusion that if in doubt, always go with your initial thoughts or 'gut instinct' because most of the time, it's right.

Sorry for the long winded post haha.


Song: For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic by Paramore
More about TEDS: Website 'here'

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs