
Monday, 31 January 2011

People change alot, including yourself. But sometimes the changes bring out a different side to them. A side you rather wouldn't have to deal with. I'm constantly screaming 'nobody cares' in my head at statuses and things that some people say these days. And it's fine if you admit it and blame nobody but yourself, but blame me for not preventing it and I'll point out the fact that at the end of the day only you can make decisions others can only influence you. Call me selfish but you have to look out for yourself - nobody else is going to.


Song: All that I'm asking for by Lifehouse

Escaping from the world for a while...

Friday, 28 January 2011

Headphones in. Volume up loud.
That's all you need.



Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Something I've realised recently is that all you really need in life is things that make you happy. It doesn't matter what or prehaps who this might be, material or otherwise. But you can get by if you have something worth living for.

I always used to think that both people had to need each other, but now I don't agree. As long as a particular person makes you happy, can make you laugh and take your mind of other things for an hour or two - it simply doesn't matter if they feel the same way back. Sure they might be able to walk away from your relationship, whatever form it may be, and not care less. But while they are still there and willing to talk to you make the most of it and just accept it for what it is. Things are always going to change you can't stop that so...

surround yourself in happy people or more importantly, people that make you happy.


Song: Stop and Stare by One Republic.

Love is Forever.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

The world is broken, halos fail to glisten.
You try to make a difference but no one wants to listen.

Song: Neutron Star Collision by Muse

Avatar (2009)

Monday, 10 January 2011


This film received massive attention from the press and movie critics all over the world. Avatar is truly a film which splits the people, there are those who love it and those who think it's a waste of money and time. And I refused to be put into a category until I had seen it; and not being a big lover of 3D movies I decided to just wait until it came out on DVD. Having watched it, I know which section you can put me in. I bloody loved it.

Avatar follows the life of injured ex marine, Jake, and is based in the future where science and technology rules. Having ruined planet Earth, the humans look to the world of 'Pandora' to supply their habits and high demanding lives. Jake believes he has been sent to this world to help the human race in survival - little does he know he will discover a dream world that he prefers to real life and becoming more involved than he ever thought possible. 'Avatars' are part human, part the native species of Pandora and are matched to a human being who can then become the Avatar and control it. Ultimately Avatar is a story of love and morals. But it is so much more too, it makes your hairs stand on end and the graphics will draw you in. You become part of their world. But this dreamworld never promised to be easy, and sacrifices will have to be made. Through finding this world Jake finds himself and will grow far more than he planned.

This film is long, but the time sped by when I was watching it and I would recommend it to anyone who loves creative films. However the plot and characters are not the only reason I love this film. Although at first glance, it looks like it is purely fictional there is a splash of truth in this breathtaking film. Ruining our planet and taking away the lives of natives in the Amazon rain forest with our advancing technology is something that is current, something that is now. This film makes a brave, bold point - that we do need to change how we live, and not destroy Earth because once it's gone you can't get back.

Overnight Avatar has become one of my favourite ever films and is something that will stay with you for a long time after the final scene is over.


Song: I see you by Leona Lewis.
Btw I haven't told you the full story and details so It's still worth watching!


Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Happy New Year.

I don't like to make new years resolutions, but I do like to make a list of things I'd like to do during this year rather than things I want to change like losing weight or whatever. So here are some of them, things will probably drop off and join this list but thats okay because I like to think I can do things when I want to do them. Here goes... (They are in no particular order)

- Get a Job
- Read more books & maybe do the 50 book challenge?
- Pass my GCSE's so that I'm not at all dissapointed when I open the envelope.
- Start 6th Form at Queensbury
- Make an effort to see my friends through all the schoolwork.
- Try and enjoy the last few months of art prep work.
- Learn to take better photos
- Improve any coursework I can, cough english cough.
- Not put up with pointless people just because I don't want to upset someone.
- Do some volenteering work in a Charity or something.
- See Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2!
- Read all the HP books again.
- Be creative with my fashion style, that could be interesting.
- Have the photo shot with my friend Jodie that has been planned for months.
- Learn to cook better and more things.
- Try and do a large amount of my scrapbook this year
- Spend less time on msn when I should be revising or whatever.
- Travel somewhere that I haven't been before.
- Go to camden market in the summer.

- See my grandparents more often.
- Learn to play piano.
- Make more youtube videos this year, either lyrics vlogs or musical.

There's alot of other things I want to complete, do or see this year on just generally in the future but I won't bore you anymore. Have you guys got any aims this year? Let me know in the comments if you have! :)


Song: Still by Thriving Ivory.

Btw the new series of Silent Witness started yesterday, I do love it! I know you probably haven't even heard of it but it's worth watching if you like any sort of crime/investigating programs. BBC 1 - 9pm Mondays & Tuesdays. I also hope that your first days back at school, work or college aren't too bad! xx

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