Rambled Update

Monday, 28 May 2012

As an AS student who finished my exams last Tuesday, I have come to realise just how much time school work takes up of my life. It's been really odd not having revision to do or an essay to write over the past few days. I guess it is mainly because my exams were within a two week period and quite squashed together - so the end of the constant revision came as a shock to me. However, most of my friends have their last couple of exams this week, which makes me happy because now I can actually go out and see them. It seems such a long time since I last saw them all together and not in waiting in a line for an exam to begin. I have some things planned already for the end of this week though, so it should be good.

The other thing that hit me after the 'not knowing what to do with myself' days was the fact that I have to start thinking about Universities again, which also reminds me of my AS exams. I know for a fact that I mucked up my English exam, which annoys me because that's what I really want to study at University. But, what's done is done and there's no point in worrying about it at the moment because I can't change it now. Regardless, I started looking at entry requirements for English and as I've said in the past the majority of them are so high. It's hard to judge what I should be aiming for with no predicted grades or AS results to base it on. Do I aim high to be disappointed? Or should I go with a safer bet, knowing I'll probably get in. Who knows. It's a question that only I can decide the answer to. My main problem is that I'm not amazing at one particular subject like most people are. I sort of get by in my subjects because I like them, rather than because I have a natural talent for them. I have to revise a lot to get the grades I want to get - unlike some people who can just do the exams without any extra effort required.

Anyway, other than the whole AS results looming and University becoming ever more significant, every thing's going okay. I'm looking forward to starting A2 with new topics and then the summer holidays. I know some people still have exams in the next month or so - so again, good luck.

Sorry for the long post but I think an update was needed haha!


Song: We Are Young by Fun

Pressure & Friends

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

"No story sits by itself. Sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river." - Mitch Albom

The pressure is on now. My AS Exams are in a matter of days and for the first time I'm actually really worried about my exams. When I sat my GCSE's I wasn't that worried, partly because they were modular and I had already secured a large percentage of the overall grades and partly because they weren't such a big deal. This time however, some of the exams are one hundred percent my overall AS grade which is daunting. Mind you the worse thing that can happen is that I have to resit the year - which isn't that tragic when you think about it.
But the great thing is, no matter what I get in my exams I know I'll still have my friends. They'll still be there even if I failed every single exam and I love that about them. The photos above remind me that although these exams are definitely important - they're not everything

I probably won't be posting very much from now until the 23rd of May due to my exams, so in case I don't get a chance to post again... Good luck if you're sitting exams in the next couple of months!


Song: Beggin' (Cover) By Bill Downs and Max Milner 

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs