Pressure & Friends

Tuesday 8 May 2012

"No story sits by itself. Sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river." - Mitch Albom

The pressure is on now. My AS Exams are in a matter of days and for the first time I'm actually really worried about my exams. When I sat my GCSE's I wasn't that worried, partly because they were modular and I had already secured a large percentage of the overall grades and partly because they weren't such a big deal. This time however, some of the exams are one hundred percent my overall AS grade which is daunting. Mind you the worse thing that can happen is that I have to resit the year - which isn't that tragic when you think about it.
But the great thing is, no matter what I get in my exams I know I'll still have my friends. They'll still be there even if I failed every single exam and I love that about them. The photos above remind me that although these exams are definitely important - they're not everything

I probably won't be posting very much from now until the 23rd of May due to my exams, so in case I don't get a chance to post again... Good luck if you're sitting exams in the next couple of months!


Song: Beggin' (Cover) By Bill Downs and Max Milner 

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs