Year One Complete

Friday 20 June 2014

It's crazy to think that my first year of University is over already. It's only really struck me today as I've been packing away all my things into boxes and suitcases for when I move out of my room tomorrow that it is actually over. It seems like only yesterday that I was unpacking everything during the first weekend of Freshers, yet at the same time it seems so long ago. Half of me cannot wait to go home for the summer and the other half is sad to leave my little university room in Oakley three, clearly I get attached to things too easily. However, I'm looking forward to my second year and living in a different place outside of university accommodation.

I've met some great people this year, managed to look after myself and studied new things. It's probably one of the best decisions I have made. It's not always easy though - work can pile up, assessments stress you out and the first time you get ill away from home at uni can be pretty tough: but the goods outweigh the bads by far.

More posts coming over summer.


Song: Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs