Goodbye Grandad Skelton

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Sadly my Grandad passed away today.
I wanted to write this blog post, not to dwell on death and sadness, but instead to remember the happy moments and to celebrate his life. He was a great person: kind, generous, highly intelligent (one of the first in my family to go to university) and he had a wonderful subtle sense of humour which he never lost despite the circumstances.

When I was younger, even though he was retired, he continued to help teach design technology classes at schools around Harpenden. He'd design mini projects for them to construct and whenever me and my sisters went to my grandparent's house - we would test out his ideas and make the little models. Although most of the children he helped probably won't remember him by name, it makes me happy that some of them might remember the man that used to visit their school and help them with their design projects. In the garden my Grandad even had a little work shop and I have fond memories spending time in there making random things like key-rings and jewellery out of bits and pieces he had lying around.

Another thing me and my sisters would always do with Grandad when we visited was go to a small park close to my grandparent's house. We'd pretend we were fire fighters and that the climbing frame was a burning building, of course Grandad would always join in with our imaginary games and we'd 'save him' from the flames...

I know he is no longer here to read this in person but nevertheless, I want to say a massive thank you to him. I firmly believe that every person in your life influences who you are and what you do. My Grandad's generosity meant that I could afford to go to university, something that I will always be so grateful for and I hope I can carry on helping people like he did. But if there's one thing that Grandad made me realise - it's that even when things get tough the best thing you can do is to stay optimistic and most importantly, never lose your sense of humour.

R.I.P. Grandad, lots of love.


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