A Levels

Tuesday 8 November 2011

I never thought that A Levels were going to be easy, but I never thought they'd be as hard as they're proving to be. I really like the subjects I picked but the amount of work I've got to do for them is crazy. Whenever I finish an essay or several pages of notes, I'll be given another two sets, I swear it's a never ending pile. I have no idea how I'm going to remember everything for the exams either. To be fair though, my subject combination was always going to challenge me. The worst thing is when you get a bad grade for something that took you hours to do or a test you revised such a long time for - you just feel so gutted. I'm not failing any of my subjects but it's hard when everybody else seems to get it that little bit more than you, particularly when my target grades are so high. They say they want me achieving them by Christmas?! Not happening, I can tell you that now. But today I was talking to one of my old teachers and she reminded me that it'll all be worth it in the end. Things like A Levels never promised to be easy, just worth all the effort and hard work in the end. Even though sometimes I feel like I should just give up and do something easier - I remember that people have passed them before, so I can do them just as well. So I'm not giving up on them just yet, but jeeez, it's testing me more than anything else I've done so far...


Song: When My Time Comes by Dawes

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs