Bad days

Wednesday 13 February 2013

I rarely have really bad days because usually, even if something negative happens, the good things normally outweigh it. But, you know those days where every little thing just seems to go wrong? Yeah, they aren't cool.

Yesterday things just went wrong. My driving lesson went badly, I left things I needed at home, work had piled up and I had things to organise last minute; it just wasn't my day. Of course looking back now I can see it wasn't so bad - it definitely could have been worse but it wasn't the best of times. I can get so consumed in every small problem that arises sometimes and when they all come together it seems a lot more daunting and unsolvable. Whereas, when I figure each thing out one at a time it's more manageable. I've found it's partly how you react to what happens that is important, you just have to look for the small things that were good - even in the very bad days and don't attempt to do too much at once.

If you do happen to have a bad day, I can say with great certainty that the chances are tomorrow will be better.

"There is no ideal world for you to wait around for. The world is always just what it is now, and it's up to you how you respond to it." - Isaac Marion


Song: I Won't Forget by Greg Holden


Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs