Blogging, blogs and bloggers.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

I took some time out from doing coursework and other A-Level work this afternoon to read through some of the older posts on blogs I've been following for quite sometime. That's one thing with blogging you can come across a blog and just sort of 'tag along' and follow it without having to read all of the previous posts. One thing that's interesting to see when you do look back is how the person has changed over time - you can see it in their posts and you definitely learn more about them if you're willing to take the time to go back and look. However, after reading a good few hundred posts (yes, I read a lot), I decided to read through my own old ones and I realised that some of my own thoughts and topics directly linked with the blogs I had just been reading. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we probably have quite a lot more in common with other people than we think we do - we just don't realise it because it's not a common thing to write down what you're thinking about or how you're feeling.

It made me think back to why I started blogging in the first place. Although, my 2010 posts are rather random and not really real 'blogging' because it wasn't consistent... I have been posting since then. From about 2011 onwards the main reason I decided to keep blogging was mainly for myself. I never expected anybody else to read what I wrote, or find it particularly interesting - I don't have a target audience in mind when I type my posts which is probably different to most other bloggers. Blogging for me is just a way to collect my thoughts, opinions, feelings and views on events all in one place. That way it's not being locked up inside my head which is good being the over thinker that I am and it also means I can look back on things easily. I've probably mentioned in a previous post that I want to do something in my life that helps people and in a strange way I realised that maybe these little posts might help someone - who knows! This is my way of putting out a part of me without having to record myself and vlog on Youtube I guess.

At the end of last year I was worried that I was running out of things to write about on here and that consequently my blog was sort of 'finished' but on reflection now, I reckon I'll always have an opinion on something. Also, with University coming up near the end of this year I think blogging will be a good way to record that time in my life - even if nobody reads it other than me. I've also been able to chat to some lovely people who have stumbled upon my blog too, which is awesome, so thanks to anyone who reads my blog!

Okay, I think that's enough I need to get back to my English and Biology coursework.
Hope you're all having a nice day.


Song: It's Time by Imagine Dragons (Acoustic)
Twitter: 'Here' @lauraskelton_

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