Goodbye 2015

Thursday 31 December 2015

The New Year is almost upon us, which means it's also time for my last blog post of the year. Crazily it will be the 6th consecutive year that I've written one of these on this blog!

Twenty fifteen was definitely a busy and eventful year.
I'll go into 2016 grateful for all the new people I've met and become friends with during this year and for all the old friends who've stuck around; whilst also remembering those who sadly didn't make it through to twenty sixteen. This year I made a conscious decision to say yes to more opportunities and to try to maintain a positive outlook. It's meant that I've done new things, met new people, and generally just worried less about stupid things. Keeping level headed and not stressing too much definitely makes getting stuff done so much easier and it will be something I'll try and continue into next year too. It's true that sometimes pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is worth doing - regardless of what the outcome may be.

It's difficult to sum up an entire year in a few sentences so I thought I'd include some photos from 2015. As always, thank you to all the people who've made this year a good one and helped me through any of the not so great parts. I honestly couldn't hope to know better people!

Who knows what 2016 will bring, but here's hoping it'll be a good one!
I'll be writing more about what I actually did this year, plus my aims for 2016 in my next post!

But until then, Happy New Year guys.

Much love,


Song: Drag Me Down by One Direction 

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs