Happy endings.

Thursday 5 May 2011

I guess I always hope for happy endings.
What do I mean by 'happy endings'? Well, I've come to realise that I hope that in the end - everything will turn out okay. But by 'end' I don't mean the end of the world, the end of my life, the end of anything in particular just normal things like relationships or generally any experiences we go through. Obviously not everything goes right and there's usually a tough journey to get to the end. However when things do come to the ending I just hope that I'll get something from the whole thing even if it is learning something important from a bad experience. I've found that sometimes the worst times can turn out to be the best, in terms of learning lessons anyway. Perhaps it's stupid of me to wish for happy endings but I don't want the fairytale endings... just ones that help me be who I want to be. We rely on other people a lot as they make up our whole lives pretty much. Whatever you lose just remember there's always more to gain...


Song: Rumour Has It by Adele

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs