'Clueless got confused with cute.'

Thursday 14 July 2011

"No one likes to be wrong, and when we're unsure about what we're saying, prefacing a sentence with, 'This might be silly but...' is one way to protect ourselves from criticism. We've half admitted defeat before we've started. It doesn't help that many women tend to shy away from conflict, to avoid potentially nasty wounds to their self-confidence. It's much easier to walk away with an, 'Oh I don't know - you're probably right' than have a fight... Then there's the theory that some of us play dumb because men are intimidated by intelligent women. One recent study found that 73 percent of men admitted they'd go for a stupid, pretty woman rather than a clever, less attractive one. Really? Nearly three quarters of men are that shallow?"

- Liz Fraser

I don't think anybody should have to hide their opinions or who they are just because they don't want to be seen as stupid or intimidating. If you are always yourself then nobody else can ever ask anymore of you. If a particular person turns you away because you're 'too intelligent' or your opinions don't suit them, I recommend you ignore them because they obviously aren't worth knowing. Afterall who wants to live their whole life trying to be someone their not and never will be?


Song: Jar Of Hearts by Christina Peri

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs