Make You Love Me

Sunday 22 July 2012

"I can't make you love me if you don't..."
(Based on the song 'I Can't Make You Love Me' by Bonnie Raitt cover by Adele)

One of the worst feelings is when you like someone that doesn't like you back. I think nearly everybody has been there at some point and it isn't an enviable position to be in. You can easily fall into the trap of trying to make them like you because, at the time, that seems like the logical thing to do. In reality however, all it really does is push you further away from them. You may think that helping them with their relationship problems and being such a good 'friend' will mean that they'll suddenly realise what a 'nice' and reliable person you are and that they will end up liking you back. This rarely happens. After all they don't want to be in a relationship with an obsessive & clingy person. The reality is that people who are friends are the ones who end up getting together because they have mutual respect for each other. Whereas the 'try and make you like me' approach doesn't earn you any respect. They can take advantage of you because they know you'd do almost anything for them to like you - that isn't a good base for any relationship or friendship. Nobody deserves to be taken of advantage of or to be drowned in a weird 'obsessive' kind of love.

There is a way out  and that is to walk away from the so called 'relationship' you have with that person and leave them alone for a while. It's easier said than done but it's some of the best advice. They might, after some time, realise that they miss having you around and get back to you. On the other hand they might not, but you never known unless you give it a go. Friendships and relationships can't be one sided because it defeats the concept of them. Unfortunately you can't make some body's heart feel something that it won't but time can be such a wonderful thing...

"Morning will come and I'll do what's right, just give me till then to give up this fight - and I will give up this fight."


Song: The Scientist by Coldplay

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs