Summer Times

Saturday 28 July 2012

Pretty glad that it's the summer holidays, it seemed like a long wait between AS exams finishing and the end of term - it's crazy to think that one week has already flown past!
I've got quite a few things already planned for this summer including driving lessons, work and school work I have to do but I'll be seeing friends too though, so it's all good. It's so hard arranging stuff when people are all away and busy doing things at different times, that's summer for you I guess haha. Obviously there's also exam results coming up too, which I'm trying not to think about too much because what's done is done and nobody can change it now.

I don't know how many posts I'll be putting up on here in the next few weeks but hopefully it will be at least one per week. I hope you all have lovely summers even if the weather isn't all that great and make sure you keep in touch with all your friends over the 5 weeks even if it is just a text or facebook message. 

Twitter: lauraskelton_ 


Song: Hometown Glory by Adele

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs